Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Talking from the health

 Wants to have a good body, to a better life, this is one of the most basic aspirations of all people, but also human. But how to achieve this, which is the most critical, in fact, such is the ancient has been exploring the question, because this is a human life, the subject can not be avoided. From the development perspective of human history, all of the development process, are not to leave the extraordinary longing of life and the pursuit of a better end, people tried a way to ensure the physical health and longevity, and even the formation of a variety of theoretical systems and culture. In other words, people are now able to apply to all life health treatment, are effective means available, it is the accumulation of the continuous development of human history of wisdom, is extremely valuable. However, in respect for objective reality point of view, since the history of mankind no matter what the method adopted, are not able to completely resolve the disease and even death of the problem, only to master all the methods However, in the maintenance and continuation of human health and life, to the greatest extent will remain in this degree. think about it, this is not true? then stupid people know is that, because it is true. Therefore, the disease has been developed as a human development, and closely associated with phagocytosis of human health and life. In this case, human beings are helpless, and some only known method used to maintain life health and continuity, but can not solve the underlying problems. So why is it so? This is because human beings have yet to see the real cause of these diseases is, can see nothing but ill only a few phenomena, only to treating the symptoms not the illness. And that is the human disease has been unable to interpret the mysterious The in such a state of the existing human development has reached its limit, the consequences are very serious and terrible, do not solve really dangerous.
comes to good health, we may be able to think of a normal common The word Life has many benefits, which has been widely welcomed and praised, so the health of today's social life has become a fashion. health and longevity has been the Holy Grail, but for health everyone has a different understanding of , used a different approach, but the destination is the same. Zhuangzi once said, ? us who can see the changing nature of this mysterious and then, to know that we need to know is that it not only the surface of the benefits to human beings or disaster, and more is in its unknown hidden behind in the end What? Of course, we really want to clear this thing that is very easy, because people who can not ever reveal this problem, especially with a lot of human nature has inherent understanding, but is very difficult to change , and This is precious, but also to solve the problem. from human whole development process and all aspects of life difficult to see that all human cultures and understanding of the origin of life there, are produced in this nature, which is beyond doubt. That is to conform to and relying on human nature came to be, and been confined themselves which can not be independent, so who wants to solve the various problems caused by nature, it becomes powerless. So People have been using a variety of health approach, too, play a relevant role only, but not absolute. Therefore, treatment with a regimen used in different people, the effect is different, even for some people does not work. If this happens, people will question, and not entirely convinced that this is normal. in the present life, but also on the treatment regimen, many problems do occur, it is obvious to all will not enumerate here, the reason is this. In fact, the meaning of health or health is very broad, and even can be said that all of life, because life was the theme, the theme of healthy life, so People of all efforts, are also in order to own it to a healthy and good life. with the concept of the treatment regimen to reach the body, mind, mental health, because they need health purposes. But this is not all healthy, This is just a beginning, a beginning of life to society. With the state of good health to a better life, so people rely on the natural environment and social environment and other aspects, is one of the greater health significance, is each person needs as well as the common people's health. not only people, as well as science, culture, knowledge, society, life, national, ethnic, world and nature, and so all in all, also need health, and these for the people stresses are closely related. a person is sick will the pain, a serious life-threatening; society will be sick man-made destruction of lives; and nature that will appear to be sick all kinds of disasters, all also all the other so, will bring all kinds of trouble, or even result in the replacement of social development as well as destruction. a person is sick to heal, how healing it does natural disasters occur? this man experienced a great deal, with their blood and lives to write tragic but glorious chapter of history, but in the end did not find the last real way out. If the person's illness to be cured, and will die; that natural disasters can not be resolved, it will die, that is the most frustrating thing . When people tried everything does not help the situation, then pray that God will always help, as if history has always been such an outcome, and these are also the legend has since been. In the history of human development to the end of the period of feudal society, human society is mainly to rule according to divine culture, and this process people are more dependent on faith in God. to the emergence of modern capitalist society, people still retained although of God faith, but has not ���������� strong. especially the empirical scientific developments of the Industrial Revolution, people witnessed the magic of technology, which makes people's understanding of revolutionary change took place, so that the more dilute of God dependence, from the spiritual to the material world, and continue to produce a variety of knowledge and theory of matter. development today, in terms of scientific and technological achievements of the people to the marvelous has been the extent that they have a considerable human capacity to solve nature and problems arising in social life. In such conditions, science has almost completely replaced the previous position of God, leaving nothing but the surface form of belief in God only, and now science has spread and depth of human all aspects of life, can be said that a scientific world. But with the scientific development and social progress, the ensuing problems is endless, it is overwhelmed by pain, there is a desperate, exhausted feeling, then the loss of ; unite efforts have a concern about the mind, and unite together, indeed to some extent to stop the disaster and expanded. However, this method is not absolute, to a certain extent lost its effectiveness as a patient too much medicine to take , the drug loses its efficacy, as no longer matter up, leaving behind only the fate of the looks. then the legendary God can not help the people tide over the calamity it? It is impossible to answer, of course, not denial of God, only saying the real situation. ever, the issue of God has been happening on the controversy, some people say the existence of God, some people said no, and some people skeptical, then in the end there is no God exist? little bad to say it really a direct answer, saying that's it, man he did not see, that did not do, since ancient times has also been circulating, but also affects human life in general, so confused were doubtful authenticity debate. It is not impossible to determine this issue out? not, to say that clear this problem, and want people to accept, it can not be acceptable from the people to know God, understand the problem. To be sure, God is there, but he can not man see, so is mysterious, but also to God. We all know that the human spirit or the ideas are there, but man is invisible, but can dominate in the people think it is not very amazing, is not incredible, that is most directly a reflection of God. Of course, not too much on this issue the instructions, because in today's world can not explain the mystery of the scientific phenomenon, has been too much reflected in our life, believe it or not is his personal matter, but as a person is not unreasonable. If God really exists, people can not rely on God, faith and In fact, people know the existence of God is no problem, in that case is to human progress, and divine culture and indeed of human life has a profound effect, the role can not be ignored, but people rely on God to solve the problem is of no use, because the existence of God is to rely on people and can not do anything man can do the maximum is only reflected in the person of God, that part of the work, strictly speaking, not part counted as one, if God is really what people do, it will not God, and we think is not such a reason. so man things, we must own to solve, If God can solve it already solved, why make him believe in human suffering has suffered from it? to an era of today, humanity is the result of countless catastrophe came, and had come to the historical state of the existing maximum limit of development , the largest ever human beings are in a final catastrophe. not only people, even God, everything, including all are in this catastrophe, so not to save the world's hopes in God's body, it is impossible, it is true.
So why create such a historical development of the state? say clear on this matter at stake is too big, because the relationship to the origin and nature of human , and this has been worth the human exploration of the mystery. If you can not really here to reveal this mystery, it can not account for the development of such a feature of human history, let alone solve any problem, it is unavoidable . about human origins and nature have, since ancient times, there are many theoretical and practical understanding of science, there are many gods and cultural legends, but they do not have a final definitive answer. Pangu legend of the East has an epoch-making, Nu Wa made of clay person; also described in the West and everything in the universe God created Adam and Eve story of human fertility; more divine culture that are generated from space, because its not good, and fell into the people come here; there is empirical science the universe is made of naturally occurring, and humans evolved, particularly Darwin's theory of evolution that are aquatic plants to the apes evolved into man, and so on Divergent views. But no matter what kind of argument can be seen clearly also can not justify the end. mentioned here to emphasize again, there is no means to deny any kind of understanding, regardless of the historical development of which is a valuable asset left behind, have their produce to the effect that should not be taken lightly. If these statements in accordance with the existing inevitable question is that God created the universe and human, then God is what created it? is a natural formation of the universe, then it is again what is formed? said humans evolved from aquatic plants to the apes come, then they come from aquatic plants, and now the apes, why not become a person? seen the last of these claims is not to be completely convincing, and can only be of historical development understanding of the process of the product. To finally solve this mystery, we must first note the point, we explore what is man himself, so be sure not to leave their own lives and the development process of the subject, to understand the issue Otherwise, is squaring the circle. Everyone knows that birth, old age, sickness and death is a human life often must go through the basic process, of course, there are various situations of non-natural death, but it does not matter; not only now, ever Humans have always been like this; and the whole development of human society, and even more distant prehistoric different periods, are also characteristics of the development with the same person's life. This shows what? from which we can see, whether human or social and the historical development of human life in accordance with the laws of the never-ending cycle of development was, until now. What is more noteworthy is that the final destination must be death and destruction, this is undeniable fact. Similarly, the universe, everything The same is true of all things, is just the length of time is different, with the divine culture of awareness to summarize the process, that is, into, live, bad, off, man and nature, so the cycle of the non-stop, never out of the circle . Why is it so? We all know that a phrase, called out of nothing, who is in the endless combinations of form all of nature, so even people all have been limited, including human nature, and this causes the development of historical features such laws, so the exploration of human development, in accordance with this rule has been going round in circles in the repeated, but there is no end to go along the circle, as the survival of our planet, there are round the planet in the universe, is the embodiment of the process. Taoist non-speaking, Buddhist talk empty, no people keep talking about practice, and even the doctrine of Confucius, who in fact are the first to achieve the assimilation of nature, Speaking in general terms even simpler, with the concept of life there, with the lives of people there, with the individual who holds a human society, with human society will have all of this, in short, no matter what are the notions of what constitutes , it is with any ideas and knowledge can not be overturned, but also has been unable to ascertain the nature of human mysteries, tracing down is Now come to this state. At present, all also in the greatest catastrophe ever crisis, it can be said to be the last real test of life and death.
If so, how can we do through the robbery ? in fact not difficult to solve, but the key is to look at themselves want, it all depends on the attitude, of course, how to choose a thing themselves, there is not much talk about it. The reason why people want to pursue health longevity, often feel that life is short, this is only the immediate understanding, and read the length of individual life, is limited to this level of understanding is insufficient. We only see the lives of individuals, but they ignore the whole life process of human , precisely, since the whole history of human development, is the whole process of human life, despite numerous prehistoric long devastating blow, not broken the continuation and development of human life. But then a long human life, but also history of reincarnation in the continuation of the only, only in a constant direction from the current state of history, but never entered the real future, because humans are not out of the circle of self-destruction, life can not be established, so there is no there can be no future, no wonder people have used since ancient times to maintain health and longevity health. If human beings can get over this last bullet, then it is into the real beginning of the future, but also the best start. in the past history, human society, every occurrence of total destruction, as well as cosmological big bang, there will be a very small number of human and nature of the universe during this period survived, followed into the next period of time, all is destroyed again and again accumulation and retention in the final developed into our historical period, this period is the most complex and most difficult, those who have not been destroyed and left, has covered all the processes of human life, to this period of almost there is no room for the development of space and, in particular, there has never moved in, the original nature of man could not dangerous? if not a final settlement, and that everything will be completely destroyed, and will not have any retention, it is with the previous destruction of the past completely different, unless it is out of the circle of self-destruction, or the whole of mankind and all whole life come to an end completely end. From a historical study, we found that humans have been searching for his tireless fundamental way, otherwise there will not be such a long journey through life, but people ignore itself, is produced by human nature to find answers that can not be found, talent is the most fundamental, with the talent with all of this, no nothing. Now the earth's human, that is the core of the universe, no matter what will be deposited to the people here, in the eyes of God, the people here is the worst that people are dirty, human society is a large vat, mixed with everything, but God can not do without human beings, while do not accept, because God is derived from the human out, is the essence of that part of the role is to safeguard people and the state of human society remains the same, so God spread to the human society a lot of cultural things, the spread of the three religions in China Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism is such to enable human beings to follow. people think that God is omnipotent is great, but do not know what is fundamental, it said that it is really quite sad. We know, whether it is Buddha home or Taoist practice, or else Famennian, there is a common characteristic, that is, practitioners have to use the human body, what does this show? Who is inseparable from the fundamental, will be involved with, and people what is the most complete, God needs something from the people here have to have the supply, so human society, the more consistent will of God, the more beautiful in terms of God, on the contrary, it will reduce crime in the human disaster. Taoist view, the human body is a small universe, we can see God in the creation of the universe, is also inseparable from the human body, though God is omnipotent, but no one thing that can not exist, so God uses people's goodness Germany into the cycle of human nature, but sustained a longer life cycle only. to maintain the fundamental condition of human nature, God, people have a supernatural ability that do not meet the standards of the people here will fall, height thousand feet roots thing. is not only God, is often said that the animal, fox yellow and white willow cultivation is also inseparable from human demons, so many people appeared to be possessed of the phenomenon, are also not as long as human hearts, which are is part of human life derived, shown are evil. there is between good and evil and between, like Sin and the Men of the practice, are also the same. then there is the alien is human and the Earth the same level of life, is left to the destruction of Earth in different periods of the earth, than we were a little a little bit of micro, can not see them, technology is relatively highly developed, our modern empirical science is that they passed in, in fact This human beings are their own science, they invade Earth but also to get our body that simple.
of history, has been circulating the statement to save the world saving people, but also affect the long extensive. but you can responsibly say, has never yet No one can really spend, because saving people is God talking about mass culture, and people say God is not maintained, how can people do not deliver people? relieving people of God can only be said that the degree of write it into the Three Realms Vice soul, even people's master soul can not move, the more people do not say, this is the reach of the power of God. God can only be the degree of God is simply not the people themselves, or God is not God, person who will not, so to talk about practice, as is God himself out of repairing the problem that world, and is not for people, this is a big scam eons. However, they do not believe people do not lie to What can be done, so we adopted this approach, the actual God is the guardian of the innate nature of man, the This is under the control of human nature and do, and have to be responsible for custody. Magic guard the innate nature of human life, it means , or the same name Emotion is therefore came; and cents and the legend, is the guardian of their innate human nature, expression. collection of human life, all the interchanges, interactive media, nature, itself, life as one of the three adults, human nature is not moving, life is active in itself is neither moving nor fixed , so we see that the current state of human life is such. general said that It? I shows. nature of the development of the black people, life had a white, itself had a yellow, becoming brown as one race, that is red. Black people now living mainly in Africa, South America and North America, blacks are generally poorer countries and backward, and this is due to the nature of share is not great, but the body is usually the basis for blacks are better, especially in sports are relatively strong, there are hip-hop features the kind of casual yet delicate, are the conditions for blacks. white main living in Europe, there are some people in the West Division, North America, South America, North Africa, Oceania area. whites are rich and developed countries, basically, this is due to life white life is strong, so is the mainstream of social life in the world occupy the status of major impact, leading the civilization of modern life. In particular, the United States is a very special country, it is immigrants from the United Kingdom established a multi-ethnic past countries belonging to the ontology of life, so the U.S. super active, rich and developed, especially in the world arena, which hold dominant position, mainly about the situation in the world, the United States is the guardian of the fundamental ontology of life; Canadian guard is the fundamental nature of body; Australia is the guardian of fundamental ontology itself; UK Guardian is the fundamental nature of life; Russia is the guardian of the fundamental life itself; German guard is essential for life; France and Italy, are among life relationship; yellow people living in Asia, the countries reflect the inequality between the progressive and backward mixed situation, this is because of their dynamic state, so the yellow poverty and rich countries, developed and backward intertwined with, and what the situation there, the performance of the whole of Asia is both closed and open state of human existence unique. and one of China is a very special the country, she has five years of civilization, and their own unique traditional culture, Chinese character meaning more than other Asians, is in a closed and open, backward and developed over poverty and prosperity in the development, and more characteristics of their own, can be said that among the people, is the essence of human society, history, are often started from the West, and then spread to China, been handed down and final development, this is indeed so, the guardian of the people of China its fundamental. and Taiwan is its own nature guardian; Hong Kong and Macau, is medium of communication with the world. In view of history, Japan is branching out from the Chinese people, they mainly believe in God's will, to the spirit of founding, Since the people of God that the sun is responsible for guarding the lives of their own, so the entire nation seemed both restrained and unrestrained, is also very developed and rich, especially the world's leading electronic technology, which is relevant to their national characteristics. brown species The people is the world of the very few Indians, sometimes painted with red paint to the face, had been mistaken for a Red Man, actually they are the fully human. the ancient Indians had a glorious history and civilization , the civilization reached its peak, people start killing each other in order for power, leading to the creation of the decline of Mayan civilization, until the destruction. It is said that the ancient Indians to escape massacre by boat across the Pacific from China, came to the American continent. Civilization destroyed, the rest live in scattered Mayan descendants throughout the Americas. the demise of the Mayan civilization is one of the first major lessons of history, because as a complete human beings, the balanced development of human society, their own development process too fast, lost due to the role of human, so dangerous; addition, there is another important reason, that history itself is in the nature of the space and there is room for development, the cause of the current situation is inevitable, only some of the edge corners of the world wandering, waiting for the development of human society to the extent with which to integrate into together. In recent years, the rise of Indians have been waiting for the hard, the little man as a phenomenon completely.
nature itself, the life of the three involved, the formation of the universe is the three thousand worlds, and for people, nature all day long, itself, the life of adults, between heaven and earth, as one is the Three Realms. a combination of three basic mutually, is three times three is nine, which is the origin of Arabic numerals 1-9, as one of 0, is talked about the so-called Taoism, and his two, two three, comes all things, is such a reason. three and can be described as one of the three souls, heaven, earth, underground beings within the Three Realms, together with six of seven soul transmigration, as one of and mood, combined social and human things. So when people die, die from nature itself into the earth, life, Gui Yin, who go natural, therefore, when the deceased was buried, often said: dust to dust, earth return to the earth there would be no return to where to go. were basically such a situation.'s innate nature and The relationship between wood and soil constitute the fire, which in turn constitutes the universe of everything that is said is often said that the origin of the five elements. determine the nature of the historical development of the state as The process for the itself to create the future, together we have the time, but people just keep repeating the history of the development, the actual is not the real future. nature, life, themselves and the people have a year round, each other property relations, the basic combination to generate the months, weeks, days, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and Zodiac, will not go into detail here, the.
fixed nature of life's activities, the formation of movement, for yin and yang, and the movement itself, or in between yin and yang, the three into one is the Taoist Tai Chi; Tai Chi evolution of mutual combination will form the Buddhist wheel of law, do not go into detail here, a; for life produce something for the surgery, people have things to learn, the basic is the case. In short, God can not save people, the Buddha only as a Purdue beings desire the existence of a life form, together with the channel to compare makes it easier to accept the cultural approach to human contact and a long stay here, called the door of the Buddha Dhamma, said the two people. Some people may be envious of the good God, this is the idea of employing it to God, child is simply not the case. We know that, whether it is divine culture or religious belief, or practice something, have a common requirement is that the desire to be rid of people, even people, if they really who repair to God as the standard, into legend as the so-called better world, have little numb feeling, that there would be no good there? love of God can not solve the problem, it can not show mercy even more can not accept people. of history, people have been dominated by God and life can not be independent, while others are limited to the all in all, only human consciousness and self, and to saving their own to saving all sentient beings. because people are collection of life, bearing all beings, so the talent is that the ferry boats the last life-saving, this is the true meaning of saving people. Over the past has been the use and manipulation in humans, while trying to escape from the human, still can not stand up and face on to solve the problem, but also talk about practice and detachment, and that simply does not work, practice can only be maintained, but not eradicated, much less detached. say to people to cross to the other side of happiness, the problem did not get completely resolved, but a place for what use? say the degree is not just the meaning of the ferry, but more important is a measure of the scale, if the people have the ability to judge themselves out of self-limitation of autonomy, not all that to have solved it? key is people have to have this attitude and determination.
legend the world has a corresponding heavenly world, but just not in China, because in our global human society here in China are among the , and this from China's national character and culture can be seen, and the kingdom of heaven is not at all the heavenly kingdom, so God is not allowed to place the Chinese nation-building. before the end of feudal society in China, dynasty is indeed rather than the form of state rule, of course, special period, there have been a number of countries, or the existence of separatist type, but eventually be unified into a dynasty, it is probably for this reason. In modern times, the establishment of the Chinese Kuomintang Republic of China, did not succeed, because they have not divorced from belief in God, there is no ability to resist God to the establishment of the State, to Taiwan still has also just ...

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