Monday, February 28, 2011

CHIC2011 exhibition will show a new feather weather leather fur

 HC network of clothing this winter, the temperature did not drop as expected, the crazy, raw materials prices are crazy high, wool, feather, leather, fur and other commodities winter, and there is no stained with the number of the light, but had to try to control costs, and will not let high prices deter consumers. Down market in particular, three consecutive warm winters since 2006 the sales slump because of the early winter of 2009, while sales of hot, winter 2010, but also a Such twists and turns, is hard to bear. Although these enterprises,

CHIC, as the size and influence of Asia's most professional exhibition of apparel, clothing industry plays a lead role, too, is the industry's There is no doubt, CHIC2011 the situation, the above problems have been answered.

As of early January, E3 booth to determine enrollment down, leather, fur and clothing resources, enterprises have more than 100. In the degree in 2011 can be described as active participation soared.

Down area: patterns of sub-

very intense, but we feel that the quality of good things in the market will stand the test of time. Furthermore, in addition to warm down jacket is now functional, fashion is also important, before we do mainly in foreign markets, the company plans the same time in 2011 expand the domestic market, leading Chinese fashion and trend down jacket, so I decided to participate in the CHIC event in 2011. Down the right path out of the current market, sorrows and joys.

It is understood, CHIC2011 the exhibition down, or both in the exhibition area on the number of brands have increased over the last more than 20%, such as Tambor The Person in charge of the exhibition: Under the influence of the financial crisis, the foreign trade environment is poor, or OEM brand gained little profit and the gap between value added and other factors is too large to make such enterprises to the domestic trade. Among them, there are also some enterprises of foreign markets have done a good job, but also increasingly value the Chinese market, they do not want to be classified as special the trust of a considerable crowd. has been the development of the domestic market is of great concern to us, but from what I understand, we are not domestic sales, but to share with the people and dedication to provide the market with high quality and cost appropriate clothing fashion consumption. 

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