Thursday, February 24, 2011

Eastcom Peace (002 017) are enticing new business development

 Orient Securities research report released, short-listed Bank of China Bank of IC card tender once again demonstrated the advantage in this area. Companies in the smart IC cards in the field with many years of accumulation, in the smart IC card packaging, testing, personalization fields have accumulated rich experience, integrated platform in N3 depth of cooperation with the CUP, analysts believe the company has in the bank IC card area with considerable market advantage, the short-listed Bank of China IC card authentication tender again.

outbreak of bank IC card market start soon. Bank of Communications, ICBC, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China are currently the bank has started the deployment of progress in IC card, IC card market in the future banks will soon start the outbreak of the bank card IC of the process had become irreversible, will drive the banking industry from the card IC card chip manufacturing, card packaging, card personalization, card reader comprehensive equipment and other areas of opportunity.

bank IC card as the results of the company's new business is expected to contribute will be huge. IC card business for the bank is Eastcompeace a new business, expected to have a tremendous performance of the company incremental effect. Assumption that the annual market demand for 200 million, according to the proportion of the market Eastcom Peace 5%, 8%, 12% of the scene estimated that the incremental results are expected to generate 0.19 yuan 0.31 yuan 0.46 per month.

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