Friday, February 11, 2011

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health, medical information and knowledge.
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nutrition counseling
which more nutritious varieties of rape?
Shanghai, she had got advice: vegetable market selling rape two ways: one leaves large, thick roots to eat up are very similar taste, clean, price is also expensive; the other, it leaves little root somewhat refreshing snack, think it's some crude fiber, not chewed, which does both better nutrition rape? me three days to buy a dish, some of the rape on the third day, when withered, and I place the yellow wilt can throw away food? I now the morning a small bowl of boiled rape, or lettuce, mixed with a large spoon sesame, me and my children one person, one tablespoon, will have to eat excessive amount of sesame?
Answer: Generally speaking, a small root of small leaves, fiber and more, taste a little bitter that better health effects of rape; rape storage 3 days
use slow fire to cook potatoes, potatoes
is home cooking, using it to make many dishes, cooking potatoes should pay attention to what?
1. do cut potato dishes skin, only a thin layer should be cut off because the potato juice is rich in skin following the protein. peeled cooked potatoes, if not immediately, should be soaked in cold water to prevent blackening; but it can not soak for too long so as not including the loss of nutrients;
2. Simmer potatoes to use fire in order to evenly Shulan, if the emergency heat for roasting, make the outer Shulan or cracking, which is born;
3. storage is often a long blue-green potato surface spots, when the unsightly side dishes. If the water in the boiled potatoes and put some vinegar (per kg of potatoes, put a tablespoon), spots will disappear;
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vulvar itching
cold wet towel cause genital itching for many reasons, one of 10 different vaginitis can result in vaginal secretions increase, resulting in itching. then the doctor must under the guidance of the correct medication, in order to fundamentally solve the problem. If the blind cleaning, may lead to local flora, the treatment would be more trouble.
intolerable itching, do not scratch grasping hands, so as not to scratch the skin, the bacteria from the on broken skin or mucous membranes violations. can be a thick stack of wet packing genital cold towels, cleaning once every 3 minutes, until it does not itch so far. pruritus often with the onset of elevated temperature, with cold wet towels to reduce skin temperature, reduce congestion to achieve the purpose of ease itching.
need to be reminded, do not itch to use a hot towel. Although this can ease the itching for a time, but the heat will increase skin irritation, a towel removed, itching will be significantly increased.
Beijing Armed Police General Hospital
learn with the chefs -

pork thawing a fresh recruit many people think that do not frozen meat and fresh meat no matter how delicious, in fact, there are many bacteria in fresh pork, and after frozen pork, most bacteria in the body have been excluded or dead. At present, the meat is usually taken to row at home and abroad acid treatment, slaughtered livestock will eat After hang up the body in the water, foul blood, etc. Lek net, and then placed in cold storage, frozen meat such practices to ensure the nutrition and safety.
as to how to thaw frozen meat, it was said with blisters Some people say that microwave heating, was also said in the refrigerator freezer. in the end which approach is most reasonable, let's look at the views it cooks.
best - keeping the fridge cabinet thaw
water and soil in mind how long goods
complete, comfortable, low prices, guaranteed after-sales service ... ... these are the reasons for consumers to supermarket shopping, but even if you know that some supermarkets there will be a price tag, check out a price; to change packaging of goods due soon and then Nachulaimai; or discounted items are not cheap and so do you go shopping at the supermarket, will not long in mind?
Checkout time: check the number but also to check prices
some customers encountered while shopping at the supermarket checkout than the amount of the high price tag, but more customers are barely noticed. They will look to see which store receipts the number of purchased goods if there are problems, there are no more goods than do not pay attention to whether the price you see. So, after everyone in the checkout, to look at the price of the ticket purchase and a small quantity of goods.
section later point clear soup and porridge
stomach after the Spring Festival, many people feel intestinal upset stomach. On the one hand about having happily drinking, so that greatly stimulate the stomach. On the other hand, stay up late to get up late, eating disorders, perhaps destroyed ridden stomach. postganglionic clear the stomach is the key. Here, Lina teach you to do some road clean up the stomach soup and porridge:
beef meatball soup
practice: an ox leg 200 grams, first beef hacked mess, pour red wine, onions and black pepper, and finally add some egg, beef balls made of small mud. into the boiling pot, the fire boil, distance themselves from the bubble low heat boiled a moment, add carrot Shulan boil, seasoning with salt and serve.
sweet potatoes, white fungus dessert
practice: 1 sweet potato, a white fungus, honey appropriate. sweet potatoes peeled and cut , white fungus soaked, chopped, put them both together
not curiosity, that you are really old -
elderly should be asking more heart, on behalf of long wrinkles, organ not easy to go wrong. But, whatever the reason, what can stimulate the curiosity of the thing, not necessarily did not do, as long as the mind allows the elderly to move, to achieve the purpose of the.
addition to brain, hands, eating something, it should have tasted
exchange for 20 minutes each time is not lost
old Spring Festival holiday for seven days, most people visit relatives and friends, communication, entertainment and leisure. After the long holiday, many people depression, loss, restless, etc. adverse emotional reactions. psychology will be called the Zhang uncle throughout the year, the most joy these days is the New Year. But happy days are always very short, waiting for the day is always very long.'s son has been working in Shanghai to return to work, and that made Uncle Zhang felt a sudden very lonely, very lonely. Tags:
candied walnut soup of anti-dry hair, sweet warm walnut
can into the kidney by the liver and lungs, both laxative, but also blood and black hair, Jiufu can make the skin smooth and delicate. The dates can Bufei dryness, so the benefits of more hair. In addition, other nuts, fish and whole grains, there are many benefits to the hair.
candied walnut soup practices: dates 250 grams, 100 grams of walnut, sugar amount. the dates to nuclear, wash, drain water, and walnut, sugar pot with a small stew; be thick soups, walnut foam off the fire eating. This soup nourishing the liver and kidney, lungs and fluid, nourishing conditioner .
see the original erection hardness and lasting capacity in the guidance of experts
: Andrology Center, Peking University First Hospital, Yuan Yiming
a saying circulating among men: urine, dynamic, and on behalf of your ability to naturally better than others. Thus, the toilet has become a battlefield competition against men, who want to secretly test of the urine is power, acoustic sound, long time. Is this right?
big does not mean that the performance strength and strong urine
Although men penis urination and sexual behavior should be used, but the two abilities are not necessarily linked. decision voiding the main factor is the strength of the bladder detrusor and urethral smooth case, the dynamic former urine decision, which reflects the process of urination encountered resistance. urination, dynamic, and can only show you a very powerful detrusor, urethra is also very smooth, but that was no sexual relationship with two factors.
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