Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feeling frustrated woman jumped into the sea of minus 10 ℃ police drink sea rescue

 Shore, too late to wear shoes, barefoot in the snow. Xinyan Jun Ju-ping

It is understood that Lee committed suicide this year, just 20 years old woman, alone in the day due to feelings of frustration to the beach drink, and tourist boats from the beach landing bridge plunged into the sea like suicide, fortunately rescued by police in a timely manner. Currently, Lee has been out of danger.

braved -10 ℃ low temperature, the police rescued from the sea to commit suicide woman. Xinyan Jun Ju-ping

Police rescued the woman committed suicide
newspaper Yantai January 29 (Reporter Ju Ping correspondent Xinyan Jun) due to feelings of frustration, a young woman, jumped into the sea to commit suicide after drinking the sea in Penglai. Thanks to be identified, although the temperature was at -10 ℃, several police still jumped into the sea, rescued a woman this name to commit suicide.

27 at 9 am, Waterfront Road, Penglai is the tourist resort patrol police station received a public warning, jumped into the sea at the beach was suicide. After receiving the report, led by Deputy Director Wang Xingliang police patrol rushed to the scene and found immortal sculpture 100 meters west of the coast there are shadows looming on the sea. The temperature was close to minus 10 ℃, stormy sea, jumped into the sea to life at stake. Human life, without delay, the deputy director Wang Xingliang, led by three police despite the cold cold day, with the jump into waist-deep seawater. The fully cooperate, the police will commit suicide to save women ashore, when women have body stiffness. Then loaded onto the 120 civilian police will commit suicide by ambulance to the hospital.

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