Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fun to enjoy the little things in life

 Fun to enjoy the little things in life because one day you may look back and you realize they were the big things. If the sight of blue skies will make you happy, if the arch from the ground and the grass will give you the power to move < br> If you can understand the simple things of nature in the message,
then you rejoice, because your soul is alive.
learn to appreciate a song that takes you away, because there are people listen not;
learn to appreciate the beauty of the sunset, there are those who can not see;
the warmth of your home and safety, because there are people homeless;
learn to enjoy spending time with friends, there are those who feel lonely.
these little things are what life is all.
happy to enjoy life! better than anything else! is not it? (no matter how many tomorrow) the beginning of a hundred singers
border military establishment: Folk 

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