Sunday, January 23, 2011

Selina's press conference, accompanied by HE gossip prospective father to send mini Buddha

 Selina (data for)
LOS ANGELES filming was burned Selina, to be held at 2 pm today discharged Thanksgiving press conference. Her prospective father-in Changhua County, Bagua Zhang Shiliang chairman, Zhang Shiliang prepared a special two-thousandth of a mini version of Bagua Mountain Giant Buddha, the afternoon is expected to give prospective wife made a special trip north, as Selina blessing.

Zhang Shiliang, said after the incident, the family can not get on the matter, if Selina would recover, of course, hope that young couple's wedding scheduled for April, will proceed as scheduled.

Selina 12 o'clock at noon, has been accompanied by medical staff, first to the press conference site preparation, and in the 12:50 or so, her good sister Hebe and Ella are also arrived at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation building. Selina will be accompanied by relatives and friends, not alone for the first time coming out.

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