Sunday, January 16, 2011

Agents 1-3 BY on eyelashes

 This text and music and the violin is absolutely nothing to do, not to mention a word!
there blossoms like a butterfly, and some on the ground, some planted in pots. There are tree length and as guards, neatly lined up, wind, full blast to sing. There is also a beautiful house, tall and large and small stones around it would too tired to run around whistling breath. small stone only eight years old, tall is still small, and so he grows to as high as Uncle D gardener, ran several laps around the big house will not gasp.
eaten lunch that day, the small stones to get to know a friend, year-old, called the Master.
Master said: from the eye, smiled questions.
Master found that small stones look good laugh, gently brought back in the mouth, eyelashes, eyes ajar, people saw that he could not help but want to learn to laugh.
Master tilted her head thought and said: Do not be a horse. with two hands, pretending to not care to glance at the young master with his eyes. Master wearing a white shirt, black shoes to figure reflected; young master's face is white, black and white eyes, eyes over shoes black and still. and beautiful and neat people, just do not know, talk is not reliable.
Master riding up. small stones crawling away, the young master with a knee knock in the ribs of small stones, small stones with the butt slap.
Master laughed, laughed and cried.
Master is proud horse stopped Ma called out: ? to the master and Master of view, simultaneously hitting also exclaiming: , Zhang De sore eyes, bit his lip with the eyes cut out the young master. Master master hiding behind, grabbing the post-classic skirt revealing his face, his face shining water marks.
beaten small stones Li refused to Master, Master, and he spoke he watched the sky. day of good blue-ah! clouds really white ah! pale face like a young master it.
better. in, locked the door to him when the ride. small stones shouted back riding on the young master 67, one in three small Western-style.
messy clothes on the floor, the air filled the Yinmi atmosphere, large bed, a shallow breath faint murmur, all beckons, there has been a fierce violations.
an indifferent smile does not matter.
Deng ink hand cover his eyes cloud, attached to his ear whispered: Deng had Buhuozhinian ink cloud is a veteran agent for decades, has a strong physique young, exuberant energy. He is not a gentle lover, and sometimes even some rude excited, which often have a vulnerable constitution that Qin Xiao overwhelming. a few times, especially in the beginning to be his lover, Qin Xiao, the pain will be halfway to faint. Tang Mo, and a cloud certainly do not want people who do not respond to, only disappointed to give up. get to know the Qin After the dawn of the constitution, although he slightly less, but Qin Xiao's every move, every facial expression have been difficult to let go of his obsession. Sometimes, Deng Mexico a few clouds will be half-truths to blame: Gifted agents, young age, how the bed is so fragile? Meng did not get to open his eyes in his hands.
Q Qin Xiao: Little devils do not trust me not? bait. His right to the minister, not necessarily greater than the length of you this time. just want to go away, and went back the bed: Qin Xiao outstretched open arms, lifted his leg without any explanation, frowning, said: can be. tight, the ink cloud Deng shook his head, turned and left.
Jing'an Temple 路凯士林西 food agency on the second floor, Tang poems ink cloud and thousands of Lebanese, Li Yaozu son to eat and talk in a cordial atmosphere.
Deng ink cloud first Li's father arrived there, welcomed thousands of poems and Zhu Heli served as Minister of Shanghai agent, conveniently slide down the expression of some faithful: I will certainly follow the command of all. dog bite is not called, the Li Gongzi some simple, or he I would not necessarily carry him all the way.
Since last year, although the number of captured terrorists, but terrorism is still not diminished. Shanghai's secret service, we must build a large team of agents. to bother you! its a bit urgent to find Mr Tang. said:
Li Yaozu staring at him, eyes deterred in his face and said: ;
Li Yaozu slowly sat down, his eyes refused to leave the door person, mouth to himself: for many years, I can prove that he did not name Stone! background. He used to be the restructuring of school, you belong to CC and the old Lebanese system. the two factions have deep historical prejudices, will be difficult to get along? to catch him, surnamed Li's will agree with me? Wang to set up a new national government in Nanjing, Shanghai, Japan occupied areas must rely on our agents organization, we can just take the opportunity to put some conditions to him. As for the old Lebanon, it is estimated the same thinking with my name. he spoke, his left hand casually on his right knee on the Qin Xiao, people. get in a word mean? pants were raided, Qin Xiao, the knee suddenly shake a little, but the car is still moving forward smoothly.
Deng broke into smiles ink goes: ! To the Secretary, has his air half to death. This time you have gone and then I leave the country followed the system area, went to Shanghai defected to the Japanese. After all, the KMT and the system is still one, but this Japanese hh ; from my mind to tell you the moment in Shanghai, there is no thought of regret. . action, and not out.
waiting for you. contacts with outsiders, the small stone is unique and his peers had close together. During that short-term and small stones slapstick days of his bleak childhood in a rare touch of color, but also his adult life always have to finish chewing fragments of childhood. In Kaishilinxi food groups, Qin Xiao, comes into the room when the familiar smile that touched his memory of small stones. Jiefeng after dinner, Li and Tang poetry thousands of Mexican cloud began to join hands to work their contacts increasingly The more frequent meetings Qin Xiao Li Yaozu and opportunities have increased. every time I see Qin Xiao, Li Yaozu always subconsciously want to find his body from the shadow of small stones, especially when he was brought back when the lips lightly Smile He was almost tempted to pull him on that point. but always because of his questioning eyes of Deng ink cloud Ruju difficult to export. Unfortunately, Qin Xiao, rarely appear alone, he seems to always stand on the identity of Deng ink cloud side, hand in hand.
1939, the Wang Jingwei regime's secret service headquarters in Shanghai pole work Fir Road 76, the Secretary established in any of thousands of Lebanese Minister of poetry, Deng ink cloud any time length, from the intelligence agencies into the functions of Action .1940 agents on March 30, Wang Jingwei in Nanjing national government was established, 76 Wang's Secret Headquarters, as the able arm of the National Government.
Wang coupled with the fading late autumn, the whole city into a dubious light red dip. It was a cold and mysterious color, no blue or white is more thorough, but wandering, unpredictable. enveloped in this ambiguous light red Lebanon under the mansion, into a nightmare of Li Yaozu was removed with the bed.
first-year-old small stone with a smile asked him: ; I'm sorry to bother you! , Uncle D gardener went to him, bowed his head and whispered: said: !, Sister hh

Move to the shifting plates of side dishes.
Letter posted on light, too furious, not only public denigration of 76, dare to talk nonsense of President Wang. The above article was furious to see, to scold me and some clouds Tang Mo, and said this is detrimental to the prestige of the National Government to publish the article, is 76 dereliction of duty, limited to three days for Chu Xinguang we never shut up. If no one gave him up, breaking not so uncouth. To move him, it is not easy. you down. ; this point, he paused, his face apologetic gradually faded, emerge out of indignation: br> The main road to wait for prey like a silent python, dormant. alley leading to the main road of a few, small Sheban both sides from the road meandering somewhere. Jizhan metal cover of the street, under the dim torrent lights, smoke to penetrate the Indus Si Wu foliage, painted in the road mottled patches of light and shadow.
Li Yaozu standing under a street lamp, left hand bend in the chest bright bouquet of roses, right hand Xiecha in his hip pocket, the people lazy and yet exudes an elegant atmosphere.
Chu Xinguang this road is the only way to go home every night, a few steps away his place in ten have seen Li Yaozu, gains a place thought in mind: the silent night, a man holding flowers, lonely figure, is nothing more than a rejected lover frustrated by the people. After Li Yaozu around, he even intentionally slowed down to looking at that man, who also looked just looked up to him. yellow glow, the Chu Xinguang see a young and handsome face.
only half a second on the TV, Li Yaozu has once again confirmed the identity of Chu Xinguang. < br> Chu Xinguang lips parted, it seems that the frustration of people like to say jokes or comforting words, but he did not talk to catch up with Li Yaozu speed action. not wait until he spit out half a syllable, Li Yaozu right hand is holding a Browning High Power pistol aimed at his head hh
Li Yaozu never dreamed, when suddenly startled in his right arm, bullets whistling fly the day, Browning sell fall to the ground. < br> frightened of Fan Shen Chu Xinguang screamed and ran, ran, shouted: Flowers Zi Huaizhong fly, while the left-hand loaded that the German system Lignose bursts into flames. Chuxin Guang crashed and fell to the bullets shot from behind, respectively, hit his head and heart, killed on the spot. < br> Li Yaozu the Lignose into his arms, bent to pick up possible evidence left behind Browning, under the cover of shadows in the Indus ran along the road, sideways rushed into the nearest alley.
dark alley, a dark shadow approaching, the two accidentally meet equally surprised, flash, two dark muzzle while pointing at each other.
! the alley moved a dozen paces.
will ease sleep at home. It seems Minister Tang sent me to fill the gun, it is not necessary. is false, to inquire into the means of the father is really his men. just did not expect the ink cloud Deng will be sent to his confidential secretary Qin Xiao.
is to go through the motions, and we must meet the good and bad about. ? alley, I smell the blood in your body. absence, and into his arms and slowly lowered his left hand, a low, a tentatively Qinghuan: ; you hh
not recognize you. in force, with the young master of the high-handed.
once in their young master and servant, the little stone has never been afraid of the resistance of the young master, and now, even the young master into Li Yaozu, small stones into the Qin Xiao, is no exception. Qin Xiao Li Yaozu shake off the shackles of backhand grasp his left wrist, is not convinced and said: > Li Yaozu childhood that had not some skinny little little master, he can fall upon anti-Qin Xiao, if you want to say is easy, but he Renqin Xiao Niede raw so his wrist, but laughed softly Guzi : br> That year, Uncle D took me to the flower market, and we got separated, how do I can not find the way back. pace, the crowd, another white-haired old man hh police are leaving in silence slowly sneak to the night in the.
Xiao. from the side, Qin Xiao, the contours of the face is very clear, but do not see the face. Finally, he asked out: turned around looked at the alley, said: emergency annoying.
Qin Xiao went ahead went to the alley, behind the cold voice:
Qin Xiao Li Yaozu watched the back, he realized that the small stones in the flower market lost may never be regained. gunshot wound right arm, until now only feel pain, discrepancies in the actual pain. < br> Qin Xiao, walking in the alley between the rush of his car on a street in the distant, in order to avoid being recognized. vehicle traveling to the Great West Road intersection, the corner of the Tang mansion looming on the horizon.
dark corner, the embrace of a child against the wall pack of cigarettes seems to be living nap, cars parked at his side, he made a sudden opened his eyes, Mengyi Ban read: head on a piece of paper, wrote a few words, caught in a note handed in the children: money goes, stack a little, carefully into the bottom tray of dark smoke Gerry, facing Qin Xiao, beaming smile, turned and disappeared into the night.
Qin Xiao went to his room when the cloud was sitting Deng Mexico helped himself on the sofa. see Qin Xiao, and he put the glass down went up and asked: br> eyes always glue in your body Ligong Zi? , is not you help him make the gun was? .
thick soft cup lying on the carpet, shaking, and reflects the aura of a dizzying circle, Qin Xiao, closed his eyes and shake: protection Chu Xinguang fool also thought all is well, did not think the surname Li make a few shots with his left hand, marksmanship as quickly and accurately with his right hand. shoulder and let him face himself, Qin Xiao, the half but look cool do not know what drooping eyelids.
Deng ink cloud kissed his neck, the soft comforting words: course Lebanon will not carry me go and the old man.
pain. whether it is the beginning of the cold probe into the body, or later into the hot, he just felt pain. bodily life and life seems to be torn in half, and then the street is like kicking a small stone, the body could not help have been together for a fall with.
hot liquid burst into the body, is the burn-like pain. he sounds of lying prone on the bed to tremble and rustle, infiltration of the naked body sweat, blurred eyes.
Tang Yun Fu Mo on the back of his sweaty panting, flexible waist buckle in his hand slowly down hh
Qin Xiao confused bird opened his hand, turned his head, cold and said quietly: I hurt. a change in hh
been flipping through the body Qin Xiao Tang ink cloud face, eyes have some slack. Tang ink cloud kissed his tears in his eyes whisper: tilted eyelids, revealing a bleak place smile: to the side. Deng looked at his arms ink cloud palpitation people surprised to hear vaguely recalled that it just can not believe the word.
three-day period, Chu Xinguang cleanly disappeared, Li poetry exposed in front of thousands on top of the face. Deyizhiyu, he thought of the injured boy, but some fear. father and son both knew that, if that person is not secretly shot fired to stop Li Yaozu, but tried to kill him, and that Li Yaozu shot in the arm where not only more likely to be the temple, or the heart. Li thousands of naturally cold-blooded poetry, the career above all else, it made him realize that the years he has kept the natural son's life on the edge, the heart Dousheng guilty, then let him secretly resolved to perform any dangerous tasks.
Li Yaozu thousands of poems and his first wife is Lebanese born son, so he told thousands of Lebanese poetry in his side, not how much of the dead first wife let know how much, in fact, his wife was alive, he owed a lot of outside air flow to debt, even now, he also has several small residence in Hong Kong. reuse Li Yaozu, it is born because the concubine Synthesizer neither children, except no one to help him eat, drink, and the eldest son of Li Yaozu addition to agents who have received professional training in Japan, can really help him, but is obedient to him and even, no trace of the wrong side of a half cents, and sometimes that he was not respectful obedient son, more like a loyal subordinate. this incident, thousands of Lebanese poetry often reveals the past of Li Yaozu rare warmth, but made him feel at a loss.
In fact, the loss is even more Li Yaozu Qin Xiao. confirmed that he is a small stone later, Li Yaozu even brazenly as before can no longer be watching him. often seen in the 76 body side of his TANG ink cloud, eyes will be turned to open, I think of men who spy talk, think and Shen Xiang Qin Xiao in the dialogue in the night.
he said, he is no longer homeless, was kicking a small stone, ink Deng gave him a home goes up?
aware Qin Xiao left, his eyes will recover in the past, greedily stared straight back, suddenly found that the back so strange, even small stones can not find the slightest mark. that has made him miss a moment of small stones really can only remain in the memory of the.
Qin Xiao Deng ink cloud standing office, lit a cigarette, looking out the window thoughtfully. Tang Poem ink cloud and thousands of Lebanese in the same building houses the offices, located in middle east 76 compound, for the entire hospital can be described as a glance. more distant is the arch-style doors and tall walls. East wall of the twenty bungalows are security corps. west side of the three-bay, two Shikumen into the building, is everywhere, room office. Also a three-room flat house, the Japanese military police. Deng ink cloud in a hour and forty seven thousand poems before the office into Lebanon, they talk about come to an end. just think of this, the door rang, his face ashen cloud of ink Deng came.
Qin Xiao slap in the face fall on the face, lips cigarette in the air to draw a parabola.
Qin Xiao Ban Zhiyan bend over to pick up falls on the ground, press off in the ashtray. His face was calm, neither surprised nor angry, as if nothing had happened. If the palm is red marks on his face, and even Deng have to doubt the ink cloud, just slapping a palm that is the illusion of their own.
feel some itchy lips may be blood to flow out, Qin Xiao, the lateral side of my face, to quietly erase, ink cloud a Deng chin, but was pinch, a slight elevation. can not hide, blood pouring from the mouth, chin itch to climb. Qin Xiao Deng
ink cloud upon her chin forward with, Wen Zhu that bloody lips, bloody lips and chin on the grind, and then forced open the tongue with the smell of blood Qin Xiao of the lips, large hands havoc with his body, clothes were thrown to the side of a piece. Qin Xiao hands tight Woleyixia soon release the hh
Qin Xiao naked prone on the carpet, his face pale to adjust the breathing, Deng ink cloud back to him, looked at the photograph of nave wall.
breathing gradually absorbed, Qin Xiao, biting his lower lip slowly cleaning itself. Deng ink cloud to know what he was doing, but did not look back.
estimated at the time, everything is about feeling wound up, Deng turned ink cloud, sitting on the sofa Douzhe Shou Qin Xiao, Department of buttons. He went over to help him fasten the remaining two, have personally lit a cigarette into his mouth. < br> Deng ink clouds to provoke.
to my head, to present to the Committee on the concentration of power agents, so Zhou Fohai lead Xuxian, he held the real power, my overhead! If I had a bunch of old men and resolute opposition, which will name 76 of the Lebanon! ;
Qin Xiao laughed contemptuously: Wang Jiang vote, to 76 job seekers do!
Tolerance, or sharp cruel, quiet waves, all eyes in the house changing.
I have no time to even say that opposition! this, I am afraid you have to solve. . to ...

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