Sunday, January 9, 2011

Investment is a long-distance running

 In the long run, I am confident the Chinese stock market, and believe more and more of the outstanding enterprises listed, let us share the fruits of economic development, carefully select those outstanding enterprises, we required homework investors, the market is random fluctuations in the first half of enterprises with good gains far behind those junk shares, subject shares, but this does not change the upward trend in outstanding business, from looking for a long period, their hands outstanding shares in the company must be able to beat the broader market, they should be able to overcome those junk stocks.
face a flood of new investors, I would say is that this market there are many non-standard places, including intermediaries, the media opinion, listed companies, often investors would be misleading just to enter the market, especially short-term profit to enlarge his own wishes. Do not count on their profit expectations of others who, not to their faith in the analysts, the message, as well as some expert body on the market. The real master is our own, and also his most difficult to overcome, so some people say is an over investment in their own game, do not overcome their inner weakness, it is very difficult long-term profitability.
time is our friends, good company will stand the test of time. To get a good profit, must be accumulated through time, so if you think that the best companies, under the heavy hand will buy enough shares, and firmly held Yes. Peter. Lynch once said, several times or even ten times to get most of my stocks are held only after three or four years to achieve.
investment is also the work of a temper attitude, holding superior companies is to withstand the price fluctuations, and withstand the blow of bad news, this is generally difficult to do, including those of professional managers, but also, like us, when he heard the accident, when Maotai management to have to lighten up, when they heard What bad news Suning time to have sold down limit position, but we now look back, Suning to sell fund manager who has ten times the price.
to improve their identification capacity. Do not think the same in an industry, operating the same product, will get the same results and benefits, stock and people are the same, and people have a difference in the nature, the same banking business, a difference of repeat itself far. stock behind The difference is the people, this point is very important, short-term volatility is not easy to see that difference, but if you use 3, 5 or even 10-year cycle to see, the difference is quite large, there is one key difference.
Red Week Gu Zhongshu

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