Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Identify our target market ..

 Classroom, a teacher is giving his students a vivid description of the fable about:
have three dogs chasing a groundhog, woodchuck got into a tree. Only holes in the trees is only one exit, do not moment, hole drilled from the tree, a rabbit. rabbit quickly run forward and climb up a tree. rabbits in the trees, did not panic in the firm, fell off, was knocked unconscious but was looked up to three dogs, and finally, the rabbit has escaped.
story finished, the teacher asked his students: then said: , prairie dogs is their marketing target, shotguns and hunting is their marketing tool, caught prairie dogs means that they successfully achieve the intended marketing goals, as prairie dogs become their souls under the gun when a success of the marketing process will come to an end.
first read this story in time, I think the reason is very simple, not simply saying that the object of a pinpoint their marketing it? according to the company's business strategy, products and services to meet the object is the object of our marketing.
read to understand, prairie dogs is our primary marketing target, while the rabbit is a potential target, then how we can target our objective? According to the story do not seem so difficult, carefully think about it, some adjustment to our marketing strategy? succeed in taking it every rabbit hole can think of is hard, super-fast punch out, we may not be able to immediately able to adapt, then he was on the tree, the (ah, here We assume that the rabbit can climb the tree, we do not discuss this issue here.) is a good strategy when we develop, we immediately in three for the position of the division of labor. one attack, two people spotted the escape route is blocked. then we chance of success close to big. The process is simple, but applied to practice, we do not have the time to do strategic analysis, all the people in place to quickly. This requires that we should always pay more attention to cultivating such a battle .
marketing is not simply to sell their products and services our customers would be finished, he had prior analysis plan, things in the flexible control, after the tracking service. or take it for just prairie dogs . in advance of our marketing tools is the most prepared to be ready at least, of course, be considered the tool was to keep up, you kill a woodchuck, could with a stick, then re-think about your speed bar. whether as agile as shotguns and hunting dogs. something is suddenly in control of some of the things, like prairie dogs has always been our goal, but the way it came out of a potential rabbit customers, then our goal is to woodchuck? is the rabbit? or 2 who are then?? This would be based on actual reasonable adjustment needs, enterprises are seeking more and better customer service organizations, apparently two persons should be used as its own object, but in pursuit should not do not lose the head, the other end did not matter after Laozhao .. who is now not doing much, but not that good. Here I was a different story for everyone to share it.
one restricted to the mowing work, a boy called Mrs. Chen said: : cut together. : not have adopted such an approach, but only customers continually inquire about the evaluation, you have probably know their own strengths and weaknesses. not to his predecessor, always think things out clearly what for, ask a few why? you can get more and better customers.

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