Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life and Death of Free China

 Fifty years ago, on the other side of the strait, a magazine because the issue can not be the voice of the Taiwan authorities, was ordered to cease publication Chiang Kai-shek, the head of Lei Chen was arrested. Pronounced the same day, Chiang Kai-shek clear instructions and mature, but it is in the name of is a strange new thing. the last century, Sun Yat-sen put forward the rigorous design, after all, was broken by the complex reality of Kuomintang .1949 panic rout of Taiwan, after Chiang Kai-shek was determined to , and the other is the island's booming voice does grow, it is the .16 Folio, in general, is 32 pages. magazine to cease publication from the founder, after Chukan 260, survived a total of 10 years and 9 months and 10 days, just across the last century, fifty years a whole. founded in 1949 on the political situation. After three battles that shocked the world after the KMT took to a dead end. including many of the KMT high-ranking officials, including Hu Shi and intellectuals began to find a way out. At this point, when the Kuomintang government members of the Executive Yuan National Assembly Deputy Secretary-General Wang Lei Chen and the KMT and other high officials and Hu discussed the current situation changes often together and reach consensus: bad to the point where national affairs for many reasons, but one important factor is the the KMT Jiandu is not doing enough, and sometimes did a little, but not the intensity, so that government and military Kuaisu corruption. Wanjiu the current situation is the best way to do newspapers and magazines, with press freedom and democracy promotion, monitoring the government, to fight people.
in the newspaper or journal issue, Hu advocated a magazine, he said: passed quickly. actively raise funds and looking for help. He realized that the matter must obtain the support of Chiang Kai-shek in particular, we go to his relationship with Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT's position, it is estimated is not a problem to obtain the support of Chiang Kai-shek on April 3 .1949, Lei Chen, Wang, who went to visit the Chiang Kai-shek Xikou. Chiang Kai-shek in his old house dinner Lei Chen and his party. During the banquet, with Hu Shi Lei Chen, Wang, who desire to organize the idea of a newspaper report to Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek expressed support and willingness to sponsor, he of Lei Chen, Wang said: publicity has a great relationship. hh propaganda is very important that you go back to do, funding difficulties, by government subsidy. value, and to urge the government (at all levels of government), effective political and economic reforms, efforts to establish free and democratic society. Second, we want to support and urge the Government to resist these forces with the Communist Party's His sphere of influence. Third, we have to do our aid, ; received the support of the Taiwan authorities, and the pursuit of freedom and democracy are not content to be the Chiang family. The KMT defeat so rapidly, they want to set up in Shanghai, , identified by Hu Shih as the the issuer. 20, Committee are, there are three ideological line: First is the Hu-led My doctrine, can be called provides a convenient example, staff quarters and other conditions; second is the Even the forces of the Taiwan authorities have subscribed to the not too much.
At this time, there were several Taipei bizarre series of economic cases. The court is very strange, the Land Bank are illegal usury to the community, and both are people and banks are closing, the The agents seized by the authorities to carry out a severe punishment. In order to engage in money and set the trap, it is very typical of criminal acts induced the people.
Xiadao Ping wrote this speech, induced the people behind the dirty deal after the crime, issued a call. this issue of the magazine made a special allocation crime The fear made it freely their opinion hh hope the Administration not to good advice to have the magnanimity to grate on the ear.
because of this speech that the Journal has brought great trouble to Lei Chen, which is authorities, the Taiwan authorities have brought a huge blow. they soon on the provoked widespread concern, responsible for the work of Tao Xi-sheng KMT propaganda that their article.
arrangements Xiadao Ping Lei Chen desperation and wrote an article entitled , and its views are mostly back to unity with the caliber of financial regulation.
magazine to make concessions after the incident subsided down. But long before the United States, After the issue of the magazine, very satisfied. Shi Lei Chen sent a letter of protest against the practices of the Taiwan authorities, and to resign from the issuer to indicate their position:
I ask you today to formally propose to cancel the The line of words. This is a very sincere personal feelings proposal, please do forgive an old friend.
what the , on the said to be control measures criticism practical politics, this is the greatest shame in Taiwan politics.
I officially resigned from the The editorial, is that I am second to this Guozhen big case wrote to the President and the snow-screen brother!)
four years (1951) August 11
at the end of this letter, Hu also attached a word:
This letter (except the last small note in brackets) can be published in the
Lei Chen decided to challenge the Chiang Ching-kuo , ponderosa wind, wide Changbai letter to the students under great physical and mental harm.
is published in this article, the magazine has an argument inside. At that time, intensified the fact that the organization is illegal, if the issue of this letter, you can achieve the purpose of review of the KMT party discipline problems.
this we need to know about on 3 October in Taipei, the Taiwan authorities set up a formal organization, director of the Chiang Ching-kuo. Its main task is to cultivate and the degree of impact, the masses resent this exception.
This article aroused the wrath of Chiang Ching-kuo that make life difficult for Lei Chen and his deliberate, Chiang Ching-kuo boasted: Hsu Fu-kuan, and Lei Chen a ; the ground, fired from the party. In fact Lei Chen from the party now has no record. Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan after a party has been engaged rejoin registration campaign, Lei Chen scoffed, could not understand that he did not want to join the KMT He would like to wait and see, and then decide what to do. Lei Chen did not have to rejoin, how his expulsion from the party it? desperation, the KMT headquarters after careful study, decided to
Lei Chen was expelled from the party, br> Watch Company President:
pleased to hear that veteran tails (refer expelled from the party), one of Prudential New Year is also good news may wish congratulated. from the civilian President can stand and march for the cause of democracy is also endless. King Happy New Year !
after school
1 �� 4 �� Yin Hai-kuang four, contribution to the proposed meetings, open-minded discussion, were priorities, adoption and implementation. plain speaking to the Chiang Kai-shek. Lei Chen that the proposal very well, with some advocating free and democratic Taiwan intellectuals together to plan a series of articles in the sixteen articles, in addition to the editorial, the remaining fifteen articles from Hu Shih, Hsu Fu-kuan, Westerner water, Xiadao Ping, Tao Baichuan, Wang, Lei Chen, who hands. Lei Chen's editorial entitled First, selection and appointment of personnel proposed; the second is to determine the responsibility of the proposed three ideas that just hit the soft underbelly of Chiang Kai-shek.
such as the editorial's ;, the president can not be re-elected three times, until Chiang Kai-shek after the expiry of how to do? The article points out:
hh us now, on the ways. First, party politics has not been established; Second, today the ruling party and other party internal democracy, did not established. In this way, we can say that simply on the lack of a new the body. hh years down the line the Constitution, responsibility for the cabinet, in fact or in name only. Its so far, on the one hand may be due to one party for too long, the various aspects of democratic checks and balances, no play; the other hand, may be due to previous administrative head of class hand-picked for the younger Chiang Kai-shek to Chiang Kai-shek inevitably be a little more personal influence by the result, the success or failure of the policy, have failed to take active responsibility , the state becomes a single column from the Atlas of the situation in Chiang Kai-shek. hh
editorial also made the military Executive and I do not know the should be corrected.
in this issue of focus on national issues above, do not die on the following possession too, too much, too small, thin tube tube tube but not much; personal wisdom is limited, they do not understand the others would do the things you can make yourself The men shop and go.
Hu writes in the article:
;. how to be able to tactic. our philosopher said,
this issue of the magazine article because they sell very outspoken fire, again and again out of stock, had to continuously print many times. For a time, people's on the siege at great length The containment Not only that, since then, agents of the magazine more and more supervision, almost each have access to the manuscript. At the same time, the issue of the magazine also to the image.
Five, To make the health of Taiwan toward the direction of development and to the construction on the right track, it is necessary to the authorities, especially Chiang Kai-shek over to help, so that a clear understanding of the current situation in Taiwan, decided to ; for the overall theme, expounding fifteen issues, write articles separately.
this as a sign, five articles table of contents is: Yin Hai-kuang authored ; small sites large organizations, called compression and reduction of government agencies; establishment of a central political system, their political responsibilities; local political issues, advocating the implementation of local self-government; legislation; to abolish the publishing law, protection of press freedom; Youth Corps, Department of the illegal system of anti-communist undermine the proper functioning of education; Party Education should immediately stop; one-party rule.
order to help readers better understand the significance of these editorials, Lei Chen wrote a Free China annoyed to Chiang Kai-shek to push imaginary can not be honored, the main analysis of the great dangers of this fantasy, the text comes:
hh This aside, the past few years in Taiwan, the official measure is based on going back to the mainland, The many measures are transitional measures. Third, because Members of the goal was still elusive. But forced to power and influence, bowed to interest, we can not in the form of the color, words in the mouth. Over time, there have been a double personality: in public, endless talk of ;, records, say s the Friends of the magazine, but also more secret withheld by the secret services, which also includes the magazine sent to Hu. This shows the attitude of this fear of the magazine.
Chiang Kai-shek to use various promotional tools, a variety of promotional tools, attacks the short period of two months, an official of the Taiwan just published in the press criticism, criticism of this editorial article of 200.
order to respond to the attacks, September 1, 1957, 17 No. 5 has published an editorial on the . Why, because through decades of political struggle, nearly half a century of life experiences from Chiang Kai-shek's kicked in the position to play outside; slightly ambitious people, but also suffered due to not trust the fate of being eliminated. guiding institutions in Taiwan, and now some cheer team, applauded Mission; plenty of Affairs Chief, Communication Officer instrument recorded things, financial accountant, a originality thinker, visionary politicians, strategists have new ideas, are crowding out the. Today most prominent feature of Taiwan's political institutions is to confine themselves to their own.
six , Chen Huaiqi event
Chen Huaiqi event, the Taiwan authorities secretly planned out carefully. They spend lots of money buy a hatchet man, Tainan Corps base in service at the factory Lieutenant Colonel Chief Section Chief Chen Huaiqi by Chen Huaiqi letter to
The article is nothing less than brilliant, in order to know about the background is the following excerpt:
XX, training classes. The rule to each of costly r l in the military forces of the Kuomintang party headquarters workshops, can we receive their desired results, here and not ignore it, now, let me put this in my training occurred in the class write a few questions to teach Mr. Yu.
Three Principles of the national army this year's workshop l r l The main purpose is to strengthen counter-Zionist r faith, consolidate the revolutionary leadership center, a continent that counterattack problem, a revolutionary leadership, find out if these two issues, so your magazine on August 1 last year, published hopeless counterattack l r (which of course is their deduction of the hat to your magazine) in arguments, and destruction of your magazine l leaders r r, l absurd remarks add to the pain refuted one by one, like this year's workshop r l Three People's Principles is to refute the we first These trainees our students after class, shaking his head sighing of these instructors are poor and naive.
hh made me even more inexplicable is that one day the dean of students to our class we speak, he said that some people criticize Dai Li is the leader of the lackeys, Dai Li not only anger, but honor to the dog itself is. Now we have the leaders of the revolutionary military lackeys r l itself, if someone attacks our leaders, we are not polite to bite him one. days Yeah! l r actually become a revolution in military dogs bite l l r! birthday two years ago no wonder that when the special issue of your magazine r came out, all parties towards you biting together, they consider themselves the original dog r l ah! hh
facts are clear that an article is really the point, but also let the . This letter to the editor and the phone, expressed great concern. about half a month later bought by the authorities of Chen Huaiqi holding a letter written to the ordered. If this is the name of someone in the fraudulent use of Chenhuai Qi, then the magazine's readers wrote this post is nothing short of smashing his own signature. about play into the hands, they instigated Chen Huaiqi continue to NOTICE:
check your magazine magazine published on January 16 this year, the 20 No. 2, published a means of military personnel to the status of your magazine flattery. I wrote to actually fake name, military status, experience and qualifications, I am based on Journal of original letter published according to law, only the end of the fourth volume in the 20 page letter to those of Chen Huaiqi statement, although the same name and my surname is not a number of language. knowing the existing system of military barracks, no surname may be the same name . the status of the declaration in the original letter to the learning experience and I also are consistent. I am on the 16th of this month wrote a letter in person at your club who question who study Ji, your attitude arrogant person in charge of the magazine, refused to answer, the fact of such fiction my fake name and degree, forgery in order to divide unity, and damage to my reputation of the act, not specially designed for anti-to set the record straight!
near the Taipei District Court bailiffs come to a and the tension between the authorities eventually Hu to the more important, has been fundamentally changed.
any case, Hu's position does alleviate the In 1960, Chiang Kai-shek second That is the amend plan, the think tank decided to Chiang Kai-shek to be heavy pressure, outspoken. In June 1959, occasion, .
restless these articles to Chiang Kai-shek and his son, Chiang Kai-shek has been carefully planned, the decision taken on the Hu ...

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