Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Helpless ... ...

 1. Positioning
how to position themselves a man will determine the size of their lifetime achievements
Perfect world is not perfect in life when there is insufficient
3. Shortcoming
so unfortunate given the driving force of your life, attempting to sympathize with their unfortunate people who win always be lying in their own misfortune on the whine.
4. retreat
grasp the advance and retreat in the life of your machine. ; back shall not abandon.
poor are the most poverty is the lack of ambition. ambition is not achieved, but there is no ambition, would not have achieved.
7. free lunch
do not want to get something for nothing. Success does not fall from the sky, so you need to fight, so you need to find, to create.
8. money
Do not slave to money. people make money to live, but live not only to make money.
9. impetuosity impetuous
life intolerable. a man impatient if there is light the shortcomings of what things could accomplish.
10. Unemployment
all just start over. dismissal is not necessarily a bad thing As long as confidence, there will be a new vista scene.
11. face
face only minor problems, the success is the last word;
12. pressure
born in the pressure potential. Potential is like toothpaste packed in bags of toothpaste, only withstand the pressure of extrusion, the only burst out.
trivial little things and succeed. In Europe, there is a wide spread of the Minyan: Because a nail, we lost a horseshoe; because we lost a horseshoe on a horse; because of a horse, we lose a rider; as a jockey, we lost a war.
14. underappreciated
less lamented, thinking a little more examination. the more you running out of patience, the more people underestimate you.
15. emotional Privacy
some modest distance to each other. a healthy relationship between lovers respect, including respect for each other's privacy.
16. lonely
courage to get out alone, to taste the sweet life. out of the shadow of the lonely,UGG boots clearance, your life will become sunny.
17. lovelorn
points of the talk will be love in the end. Life is not afraid to lose what it already has lost hope for the future.
18. walk in love, love fades
Yuanfentiankong,UGG bailey button, everyone In marriage, experiencing tunnel tests.
19. unreasonable criticism
no one would kick a dead dog. Carnegie tells us: Nostalgia is often the result of nostalgia
people to avoid the mature thinking, into a realm of illusory. reject the past, live in today.
22. purists
Life is short and precious, not for those who make people care about unpleasant things to waste time. Red this chaos, where doing things too true.
23. mediocre
If you believe in yourself, and believes that he will be able to dream, you walk smooth enough. self-confidence, let the magic come .
24. regret
life just as always with the same suffering, regret and remorse but also a life, in the. do not cry over spilled milk.
25. imitate
installed in the other day sets of houses were, after all, one day discovered that they had become unrecognizable! uphold the self-character, independence known to the world.
26. dependent
dependent is to stop you from achieving success as a stumbling block, in order to become a major event, You have to put them aside. aside crutches you can run up.
27. Personality
personality is power, in a sense, this sentence is more correct than knowledge is power. Personality is power.
blame others, blame the other side only to heart, in the matter will have a negative impact on. To adopt honey, do not kick over the beehive.
29. say br> In the adverse circumstances to say
ups and downs of life, into the valley, is inevitable. Only people who can suddenly philosophical no tired, really relieved. have lemons, make lemonade.
31. vice
a person to develop good habits, is equivalent to half success; the other hand, would not far from the failure. good habits from the self-cultivation.
inferiority inferiority inferiority complex who are not themselves want to, but because they lack of inner security. over the greatest hurdle.
33. excuse
success, not excuses. manufacturing excuses to explain failure, this is a worldwide problem. this habit as old as human history It is fatal to success!
34. failed
way of life, and few smooth, twists and turns are many, success is constituted by countless failures. swimming in the river failed.
35 . fear, fear of deprivation of human
happiness and ability to make into a coward; fear to failure, so that flow of people in British Columbia *; fear than anything else scary. get rid of the devil soul erosion.
36. Lost
journey in life, sometimes we lose ourselves for the future pursuit of losing a clear direction, this time you have to guide yourself with the compass of life.
many people bent on venture capital rich, but disdain make a little money, just want to make big money, so hard to wait for the funds to go with a solid business, results of small-money did not earn big money. from the
good self-image is free to those who, in dealings with others, personal charisma and communication effectiveness will be greatly reduced. to create a new image.
39. defy the trend of the
adapt to change with the times synchronization. A man can not keep up the pace of the changing times, is bound to be overwhelmed by the tide of human progress.
40. harmed
Sakya Muni said: of hate, hate disappear naturally. live a big state. magnanimity is an accomplishment.
42. suspicion
strong suspicion of the heart often picky, out of nothing, and even some distorted normal circumstances. suspicion can mess people of.
43. gain and loss of life opportunities
often lies in the opportunity loss. seize every opportunity in life.
44. anger
Do not sweat the small angry. can not be angry people are stupid, not to the angry people are wise.
mindset when things when faced with innovation, should be bound mindset, will form an obstacle to creativity. dare to break through, only creativity.
embarrassment on the road all the face of frustration in life, humor is the best way out of the woods. Humor can defuse awkward.
We live in a healthy balance of the era, too fast, mental stress too, yet nothing to hide. concern is the enemy of health.
48. indecision
hesitates is certainly weak personality, not angry, and they have to do anything else. decisive character in life patron saint.
pain hold you firmly grasp the pain, happiness will never come. pain, remember to give yourself the pleasure.
50. Time Management < br> Lu Xun once said:

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