Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ten men and women approach each other distressed

 Keywords: women feel bad way to ten men, ten women a man feel bad way of good men against women, women to men what makes a good, love, women how to be considered to do good, really love the performance of your men, men love women's performance
________________________________________< br> ten men a woman feel bad way (you she has not done)

1, when you fall in love with a man, do not think about yourself is not it a little reserved. Love him to tell him that sometimes men also love vanity, your self-confidence to make him declare I am a fool point.

2, when you do not love him, then also the most direct way to tell him. And do not think he will not be vulnerable, a man's self-esteem important than pain.

3, when you have love, then we should trust him, what thoughts to tell him whether he supports is not supported. Any man want his woman to rely on him.

4, in front of his friends, to give his full position. Face of a man, more than anything else, do not mind when the little woman in front of people, women are men to know that a small pet out.

5, when he was playing the game, no matter how anxious you do, do not go directly off his computer. It is best to hug him, whisper in his ear gently. Obsession with the game because of a man than you see a wonderful soap opera.

6, men also have those few days each month, with women almost, and I feel depressed for no reason. Do not ask him how this time, as long as be with him. Make your own.

7, he and his friends go out drinking, playing cards, you do not ask why he does not take you a visit. Men are willing to do kite, as long as the line is still in your hands, then let him fly.

8, men are lazy and stupid, even though he loves you, but do not want to think hard to please you, you can do is at the appropriate time to give him an express. Sometimes men need a woman to give him a powerful blow.

9, a man no matter how strong he looks, but the bones were still a child. When he was not on his wayward yelling, which he can not afford to do with. The most effective way is to accompany him crazy. When he's calm and gently tell him you love him.

10, men are unwilling to admit, in the wrong when he knew he was a step to the next. He will Gratitude's.

understand a man, that is to him as your lover, lover, brother, friend, father, child. Love him, do not give him the burden of his freedom, to their own freedom. Do women want to know when to enter and when to retreat. When the block in front of him; when to hide behind him. Like him as your own to love, sake of his happiness, he will give you your happiness.
________________________________________< br>
women ten men feel bad way (he has not done you)

1 When you love a woman, be sure to tell her loudly. The girl was restrained, and easy to insecure. If you love her, tell her to say a few times and no relationship.

2 if you do not love her, do not hurt her, men can try not to hurt the woman, rather the fault of all the blame on himself, not to mention because I did not love. Woman's heart is very fragile, vulnerable to injuries and not easily restored.

3 When you have very much in love, do not think that old couple, do not sweet and romantic. A woman after all, is a small woman. Any woman can not resist the gentle man.

4 men have self-esteem, women also have, sometimes women do not mind the little friends in order to vanity, that you have confidence, so we hope you are better than others.

5 when she was shopping, no matter how tired you are, how much do not want to watch her try on a set of clothes, do not have any patience, because the woman's nature is to go shopping , while shopping with a loved one and even more time reflect your love, though your task is to labor and the expenditure of wealth, but to see the air of a woman enraptured, you should think this is worth it.

6 every month a few days, light with a bad temper, like a weight was seriously ill. Woman born should be taken care of. Those days is so gentle with her, the benefits of the future is definitely the man.

7 are required to accompany, and not always for their friends, brothers of the invitation, not drinking, that is, playing cards, and occasionally over and over again is pleasure, but women still have to stay. Handle the relationship between the two is always useful.

8 women who like to cook and clean his beloved, proper arrangements for you all, that is love your performance, it is not sometimes do you cook a meal for a woman also pleased about , occasional feelings of surprise is an effective way to promote both.

9 when a woman tells you, , when she may be strong when the time is to leave you. So ever indulgent woman, take them when the baby or child.

10 Do not let a woman in emotional despair, feelings of despair, when a woman of the time, also the most difficult decision to change the time. Any time, do not hurt a woman, a woman overwhelmed by injuries.

love a woman, is to pet her and love her, and holding in her hand and ran afraid, afraid of the in your mouth.

woman in fact requires a very simple, as long as a man who loved her enough. While men in the pursuit of business, minutes to treat seriously a little bit of love, a woman will come with a lifetime of emotional rewards.

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