Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Do you know why some girls do boy brother recognized it

Do you know why some girls do boy brother recognized it? Maybe too many people do not know, let me tell you. ;
every girl's life has such a boy.
he does not belong to love, nor is her boyfriend.
However, in the nearest distance, must have his position.
see the beautiful things that will not help her brother to see, nice to hear from his brother can not help but let her down and listen to MP3 copy ......
In fact, my brother can play such a role.
not love, but she is also its most important part of life.
sister can look at my brother to cry, do not have to be strong solid.
sister also can look like a baby brother, because his face has a favorite laugh.
can look at my brother sent his sister temper, because he will not get angry, he would accommodate her.
like this has been sufficient.
then, to investigate why girls do want to recognize the boy's mind is what brother?
maybe, just feel it ......
If you are a girl: Will you cherish his big brother.
If you're a boy: Please be sure to remember that the sister of his good.
perhaps, to go with your hand this life is doomed.
Perhaps, my sister will one day become someone else's princess ;
and brother will also be another prince.
but in the life on the road, they accompanied each other, go through a lot.

such an outcome, perhaps the most perfect ending.

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